Is Your Relationship Showing Cracks?
“Now You’re Just Somebody That I Used to Know”
Do you feel emotionally distant from your partner?
Tired of fighting about the same thing over and over again?
Maybe it’s money, chores or kids… maybe it’s intimacy.
Either way, it’s frustrating and exhausting to be at war with someone who used to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. You know the feelings are still there, even if under the surface. It’s the peace and understanding that’s lacking. “Why can’t you just listen?” you both exclaim to each other, before storming off once again. The stress and monotony of daily life have taken their toll – or maybe there’s been an infidelity that tore a terrible rift in your relationship.
What Happened to Our Love?
Let’s be honest, if love was all you need, you probably wouldn’t be looking for couples therapy. Both of you are hurt and neither knows how to ease the pain. You want so badly to return to the days when the two of you couldn’t get enough of each other. The sultry glances, the stolen touches… where did it all go? Why has it been replaced by anger and indifference? Either way, you feel awful about losing your best friend and lover. Is this just how relationships are? Is everyone destined to start off happy and loving, then descend into resentment? Or is it possible to keep that flame burning through the years?

Relationship Troubles Are Common
If your relationship has been on the rocks lately, you are certainly not alone – 22% of American couples report low levels of happiness and a pattern of high conflict that especially increases during the first 8 years of the relationship. Nearly half of all married couples have done couples therapy, and communication issues are the number one complaint, followed by unresolvable conflict. These problems affect everyone – even those seemingly happy couples you see on Instagram. What’s more, 20% of men and 13% of women report that they are unfaithful in their marriages.
Keep Hope Alive
With statistics like these, it’s easy to lose hope, but repair is possible as long as you are both willing to work for it in couples therapy. Committing to just 1.5 hours of therapy weekly can do wonders for your relationship. Working with a couples specialist can help you regain peace and enjoy life the way it’s meant to be enjoyed - together. Kisses and I-love-yous can once again be a part of your every day. Emotional intimacy and mutual respect can replace distance and constant criticism. Are you ready to try?

Couples Therapy Is the Answer
Couples therapy can revive the spark and help you turn it into a steady flame. Over 90% of couples who went to therapy reported an improvement and said that they now had better tools to handle issues. Your results can be just as spectacular if you do couples therapy with someone specifically trained for it. At Courage to Heal Therapy, Anna is trained in Level 2 of the Gottman Method, which has helped thousands of couples get back on track. She is also receiving training at Denver Family Institute, which specifically focuses on relational work. Working with relationships is different from working with individuals, and you want someone with the proper training and experience. For couples therapy, sessions are typically 1.5 hours long to allow time for deeper work.
What Can I Expect in Couples Therapy?
During couples therapy, Anna will first get to know your relationship in detail through interviews and questionnaires. You will then receive a personalized plan of attack, designed specifically for your situation. You will be able to learn concrete, proven-to-be-effective skills and practice them in session. You will have a chance to bring your most difficult conflicts to couples therapy and learn how to resolve them without hating each other. You will sometimes receive “homework” in the form of scripts to use during fights or assignments to have dates and conversations.
Will This Really Work?
Couples therapy with Anna will make you feel supported and cared for while keeping you on track. Your relationship can be what it once was – and so much more. Most importantly, you will really get to know each other in a way you never have before, sharing vulnerabilities and dreams. It may feel like that’s not possible, but with proper guidance you can start being each other’s rock again. All you have to do is make the time and put in the effort.

How Do We Know If We Really Need Couples Therapy?
If you’ve read this far down, your relationship can likely benefit from couples therapy. It is actually a great idea to start going to therapy before issues even show up: couples who get premarital counseling are 30% more successful in their marriages than those who do not. You wouldn’t let your car go for years without an oil change, yet many unhappy couples wait up to 6 years to get couples therapy. If you are asking yourself this question, now is the time to get help.
Is It Too Late for Us to Try Couples Therapy?
It’s never too late for couples therapy, even if your goals change from saving the relationship to ending it. Couples therapy, combined with effort on your part, can do wonders for relationship conflict and communication. Even very emotionally distant couples can re-engage with proper support. And sometimes, it ends up being best for you to go your separate ways. That happens, and that’s OK. That way, you know you have truly tried everything and made a rational, thought-out decision.
Could Things Get Worse?
Are you worried that going to couples therapy may stir up a hornet’s nest? Difficult issues will come up in sessions, but they will eventually lead to mutual understanding once resolved. As mentioned, over 90% of couples are happy with their couples therapy results. After all, you wouldn’t let a real hornet’s nest sit inside your house, would you? Addressing the problems and working through them instead of avoiding them can help you heal the emotional chasm. Things may seem worse at the very beginning but with patience and commitment, they will turn around for the better.
We Want Couples Therapy - What’s Next?
Don’t delay and get help for your relationship today. Free consultations are available to answer your questions. Use the button below to schedule your 20-minute consultation. You can also send an email or call (720) 340-2327 - all voicemails are answered within 24 hours.
“Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.”